Grocery & Bulk

When you shop at Lakewinds, you’ll find organic food, interesting flavors, locally produced favorites, and a friendly, knowledgeable staff ready to help. We prioritize transparency and sustainability, and work with companies who source local, non-GMO, organic, and Fair Trade ingredients whenever possible.

Fewer food miles

We actively seek out local makers who are creating delicious food with sustainably grown ingredients. Our goal is to reduce food miles while finding locally grown and produced food that will delight your taste buds, too.

Less packaging

We support manufacturers who are working to limit packaging. Our bulk department is a great option to reduce packaging, too—bring jars or reusable bags from home (or use the containers we have available) and select staples such as rice, beans, quinoa, and flour; spices and teas; snacks and treats.

Allergen-free options

If you’re seeking groceries for special diets, we have a number of options. Whether you need wheat-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, or vegan items, we can help! Eat well, even with food restrictions.

Basket basics

Eating organic, healthy food can be done with an eye on your budget. Co-op basics include staples at competitive prices, such as broth, tomato sauces, pastas, beans, and more.

Learn more about the ingredients we don’t allow on our shelves.

Meet the local grocery vendors who supply many of our food and household items.